▼NAIToolbox | |
►NBandit | |
CEpsilonPolicy | |
CESRLPolicy | This class implements the Exploring Selfish Reinforcement Learning algorithm |
CExperience | This class computes averages and counts for a Bandit problem |
CLRPPolicy | This class implements the Linear Reward Penalty algorithm |
CModel | This class represent a multi-armed bandit |
CPolicyInterface | Simple typedef for most of a normal Bandit's policy needs |
CQGreedyPolicy | This class implements a simple greedy policy |
CQGreedyPolicyWrapper | This class implements some basic greedy policy primitives |
CQSoftmaxPolicy | This class implements a softmax policy through a QFunction |
CQSoftmaxPolicyWrapper | This class implements some basic softmax policy primitives |
CRandomPolicy | This class represents a random policy |
CSuccessiveRejectsPolicy | This class implements the successive rejects algorithm |
CT3CPolicy | This class implements the T3C sampling policy |
CThompsonSamplingPolicy | This class implements a Thompson sampling policy |
CTopTwoThompsonSamplingPolicy | This class implements the top-two Thompson sampling policy |
►NFactored | |
►NBandit | |
CEpsilonPolicy | |
CExperience | This class computes averages and counts for a multi-agent cooperative Bandit problem |
CFlattenedModel | This class flattens a factored bandit model |
CLLRPolicy | This class represents the Learning with Linear Rewards algorithm |
CLocalSearch | This class approximately finds the best joint action using Local Search |
CMakeGraph | This class is the public interface for initializing the graph in generic code that uses the maximizers |
CMakeGraph< MaxPlus > | |
CMakeGraph< ReusingIterativeLocalSearch > | |
CMakeGraphImpl | This class clumps all implementations that create graphs for data for certain Maximizers |
CMakeGraphImpl< LocalSearch, Iterable > | |
CMakeGraphImpl< LocalSearch, QFunction > | |
CMakeGraphImpl< VariableElimination, Data > | |
CMAUCEPolicy | This class represents the Multi-Agent Upper Confidence Exploration algorithm |
CMaxPlus | This class represents the Max-Plus optimization algorithm for loopy FactorGraphs |
CMiningBandit | This class represents the mining bandit problem |
CModel | This class represents a factored multi-armed bandit |
CMOQFunctionRule | This struct represents a single action/values pair |
►CMultiObjectiveVariableElimination | This class represents the Multi Objective Variable Elimination process |
CEntry | |
CPolicyInterface | Simple typedef for most of a normal Bandit's policy needs |
CQFunctionRule | This struct represents a single action/value pair |
CQGreedyPolicy | This class implements a greedy policy through a QFunction |
CRandomPolicy | This class represents a random policy |
CReusingIterativeLocalSearch | This class approximately finds the best joint action with Reusing Iterative Local Search |
CSingleActionPolicy | This class represents a policy always picking the same action |
CThompsonSamplingPolicy | This class implements a Thompson sampling policy |
►CUCVE | This class represents the UCVE process |
CEntry | |
CUpdateGraph | This class is the public interface for updating the input graph with the input data in generic code that uses the maximizers |
CUpdateGraph< MaxPlus > | |
CUpdateGraph< ReusingIterativeLocalSearch > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl | This class clumps all implementations that update graphs with data for certain Maximizers |
CUpdateGraphImpl< LocalSearch, Iterable > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< LocalSearch, QFunction > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< VariableElimination, Iterable > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< VariableElimination, QFunction > | |
CVariableElimination | This class represents the Variable Elimination algorithm |
►NMDP | |
CBanditPolicyAdaptor | This class extends a Bandit policy so that it can be called from MDP code |
CCooperativeExperience | This class keeps track of registered events and rewards |
CCooperativeMaximumLikelihoodModel | This class models CooperativeExperience as a CooperativeModel using Maximum Likelihood |
CCooperativeModel | This class models a cooperative MDP |
CCooperativePrioritizedSweeping | This class implements PrioritizedSweeping for cooperative environments |
CCooperativeQLearning | This class represents the Cooperative QLearning algorithm |
CCooperativeThompsonModel | This class models CooperativeExperience as a CooperativeModel using Thompson Sampling |
CEpsilonPolicy | This class represents an epsilon-greedy policy for Factored MDPs |
CFactoredLP | This class represents the Factored LP algorithm |
CJointActionLearner | This class represents a single Joint Action Learner agent |
CLinearProgramming | This class solves a factored MDP with Linear Programming |
CMakeGraph | This class is the public interface for initializing the graph in generic code that uses the maximizers |
CMakeGraph< Bandit::MaxPlus > | |
CMakeGraph< Bandit::ReusingIterativeLocalSearch > | |
CMakeGraphImpl | This class clumps all implementations that create graphs for data for certain Maximizers |
CMakeGraphImpl< Bandit::LocalSearch, Iterable > | |
CMakeGraphImpl< Bandit::LocalSearch, MDP::QFunction > | |
CMakeGraphImpl< Bandit::VariableElimination, Data > | |
CMOQFunctionRule | This struct represents a single state/action/values tuple |
CQFunctionRule | This struct represents a single state/action/value tuple |
CQGreedyPolicy | This class implements a greedy policy through a QFunction |
CSparseCooperativeQLearning | This class represents the Sparse Cooperative QLearning algorithm |
CTigerAntelope | This class represents a 2-agent tiger antelope environment |
CUpdateGraph | This class is the public interface for updating the input graph with the input data in generic code that uses the maximizers |
CUpdateGraph< Bandit::MaxPlus > | |
CUpdateGraph< Bandit::ReusingIterativeLocalSearch > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl | This class clumps all implementations that update graphs with data for certain Maximizers |
CUpdateGraphImpl< Bandit::LocalSearch, Iterable > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< Bandit::LocalSearch, MDP::QFunction > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< Bandit::VariableElimination, Iterable > | |
CUpdateGraphImpl< Bandit::VariableElimination, MDP::QFunction > | |
CValueFunction | This struct represents a factored ValueFunction |
CBasisFunction | This struct represents a basis function |
CBasisMatrix | This struct represents a basis matrix |
CCPSQueue | This class is used as the priority queue for CooperativePrioritizedSweeping |
CDynamicDecisionNetwork | This class represents a Dynamic Decision Network with factored actions |
►CDynamicDecisionNetworkGraph | This class represents the structure of a dynamic decision network |
CParentSet | This class contains the parent information for a single next-state feature |
CFactoredMatrix2D | This class represents a factored 2D matrix |
CFactoredVector | This class represents a factored vector |
►CFactorGraph | This class offers a minimal interface to manager a factor graph |
CFactorNode | |
CFasterTrie | This class is a generally faster implementation of a Trie |
CFilterMap | This class is a container which uses PartialFactors as keys |
CGenericVariableElimination | This class represents the Variable Elimination algorithm |
CPartialFactorsEnumerator | This class enumerates all possible values for a PartialFactors |
CPartialIndexEnumerator | This class enumerates the indeces of all combinations where a value is fixed |
CTrie | This class organizes data ids as if in a trie |
►NImpl | |
CBeliefNodeNoEntropyAddon | |
CBeliefParticleEntropyAddon | |
CEmptyStruct | |
CGetFunctionArguments | This struct helps decompose a function into return value and arguments |
CGetFunctionArguments< R(*)(Args...)> | |
CGetFunctionArguments< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
CGetFunctionArguments< R(C::*)(Args...)> | |
CIdPack | This class is simply a template container for ids |
Cis_compatible_f | This struct reports whether a given function is compatible with a given signature |
Cis_compatible_f< R(Args...), R2(Args2...)> | |
Cis_compatible_f< R(C::*)(Args...) const, R2(Args2...)> | |
Cis_compatible_f< R(C::*)(Args...), R2(Args2...)> | |
CMatcher | This struct allows to match between two tuples types |
CMatcher< N, std::tuple< F, A... >, std::tuple< F, B... >, IDs... > | |
CMatcher< N, std::tuple< FA, A... >, std::tuple< FB, B... >, IDs... > | |
CMatcher< N, std::tuple<>, std::tuple< B... >, IDs... > | |
►NMDP | |
CBanditPolicyAdaptor | This class extends a Bandit policy so that it can be called from MDP code |
CDoubleQLearning | This class represents the double QLearning algorithm |
CDyna2 | This class represents the Dyna2 algorithm |
CDynaQ | This class represents the DynaQ algorithm |
CEpsilonPolicy | |
CExpectedSARSA | This class represents the ExpectedSARSA algorithm |
CExperience | This class keeps track of registered events and rewards |
CGenerativeModelPython | This class allows to import generative models from Python |
►CGridWorld | This class represents a simple rectangular gridworld |
CState | |
CHystereticQLearning | This class represents the Hysteretic QLearning algorithm |
CImportanceSampling | This class implements off-policy control via importance sampling |
CImportanceSamplingEvaluation | This class implements off-policy evaluation via importance sampling |
CLinearProgramming | This class solves an MDP using Linear Programming |
CMaximumLikelihoodModel | This class models Experience as a Markov Decision Process using Maximum Likelihood |
►CMCTS | This class represents the MCTS online planner using UCB1 |
CActionNode | |
CStateNode | |
CModel | This class represents a Markov Decision Process |
COffPolicyBase | This class contains all the boilerplates for off-policy methods |
COffPolicyControl | This class is a general version of off-policy control |
COffPolicyEvaluation | This class is a general version of off-policy evaluation |
CPGAAPPPolicy | This class implements the PGA-APP learning algorithm |
CPolicy | This class represents an MDP Policy |
CPolicyEvaluation | This class applies the policy evaluation algorithm on a policy |
CPolicyInterface | Simple typedef for most of MDP's policy needs |
CPolicyIteration | This class represents the Policy Iteration algorithm |
CPolicyWrapper | This class provides an MDP Policy interface around a Matrix2D |
CPrioritizedSweeping | This class represents the PrioritizedSweeping algorithm |
CQGreedyPolicy | This class implements a greedy policy through a QFunction |
CQL | This class implements off-policy control via Q(lambda) |
CQLearning | This class represents the QLearning algorithm |
CQLEvaluation | This class implements off-policy evaluation via Q(lambda) |
CQPolicyInterface | This class is an interface to specify a policy through a QFunction |
CQSoftmaxPolicy | This class implements a softmax policy through a QFunction |
CRetraceL | This class implements off-policy control via Retrace(lambda) |
CRetraceLEvaluation | This class implements off-policy evaluation via Retrace(lambda) |
CRLearning | This class represents the RLearning algorithm |
CSARSA | This class represents the SARSA algorithm |
CSARSAL | This class represents the SARSAL algorithm |
CSparseExperience | This class keeps track of registered events and rewards |
CSparseMaximumLikelihoodModel | This class models Experience as a Markov Decision Process using Maximum Likelihood |
CSparseModel | This class represents a Markov Decision Process |
CThompsonModel | This class models Experience as a Markov Decision Process using Thompson Sampling |
CTreeBackupL | This class implements off-policy control via Tree Backup(lambda) |
CTreeBackupLEvaluation | This class implements off-policy evaluation via Tree Backup(lambda) |
CValueFunction | |
CValueIteration | This class applies the value iteration algorithm on a Model |
CWoLFPolicy | This class implements the WoLF learning algorithm |
CActionNode | |
CAMDP | This class implements the Augmented MDP algorithm |
CBeliefGenerator | This class generates reachable beliefs from a given Model |
CBeliefNode | This is a belief node of the rPOMCP tree |
CBeliefParticle | |
CBlindStrategies | This class implements the blind strategies lower bound |
CFastInformedBound | This class implements the Fast Informed Bound algorithm |
CGapMin | This class implements the GapMin algorithm |
CHeadBeliefNode | This class is the root node of the rPOMCP graph |
CIncrementalPruning | This class implements the Incremental Pruning algorithm |
Cis_witness_lp | This check the interface for a WitnessLP |
CLinearSupport | This class represents the LinearSupport algorithm |
CModel | This class represents a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process |
CPBVI | This class implements the Point Based Value Iteration algorithm |
CPERSEUS | This class implements the PERSEUS algorithm |
CPolicy | This class represents a POMDP Policy |
►CPOMCP | This class represents the POMCP online planner using UCB1 |
CActionNode | |
CBeliefNode | |
CProjecter | This class offers projecting facilities for Models |
CQMDP | This class implements the QMDP algorithm |
CrPOMCP | This class represents the rPOMCP online planner |
CRTBSS | This class represents the RTBSS online planner |
CSARSOP | This class implements the SARSOP algorithm |
CSparseModel | This class represents a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process |
CVEntry | |
CWitness | This class implements the Witness algorithm |
CAdam | This class implements the ADAM gradient descent algorithm |
CCassandraParser | This class can parse files containing MDPs and POMDPs in the Cassandra file format |
Ccopy_const | This struct is used to copy constness from one type to another |
CEpsilonPolicyInterface | This class is a policy wrapper for epsilon action choice |
CEpsilonPolicyInterface< void, void, Action > | This class represents the base interface for epsilon policies in games and bandits |
CIndexMap | This class is an iterable construct on a list of ids on a given container |
CIndexMapIterator | This class is a simple iterator to iterate over a container with the specified ids |
CIndexSkipMap | This class is an iterable construct on a list of ids on a given container |
CIndexSkipMapIterator | This class is a simple iterator to iterate over a container without the specified ids |
CLP | This class presents a common interface for solving Linear Programming problems |
CNoCheck | This is used to tag functions that avoid runtime checks |
CPolicyInterface | This class represents the base interface for policies |
CPolicyInterface< void, void, Action > | This class represents the base interface for policies in games and bandits |
CPruner | This class offers pruning facilities for non-parsimonious ValueFunction sets |
CSeeder | This class is an internal class used to seed all random engines in the library |
CStatistics | This class registers sets of data and computes statistics about it |
CStorageMatrix2D | This class provides an Eigen-compatible automatically resized Matrix2D |
CStorageVector | This class provides an Eigen-compatible automatically resized Vector |
CSubsetEnumerator | This class enumerates all possible vectors of finite subsets over N elements |
CVoseAliasSampler | This class represents the Alias sampling method |
CWitnessLP | This class implements an easy interface to do Witness discovery through linear programming |
CEigenVectorFromPython | |
COldMDPModel | This class represents a Markov Decision Process |
COldPOMDPModel | This class represents a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process |
CPairFromPython | |
CPairToPython | |
▼CSeedPrinter | |
CAllPassVisitor | |
▼CTupleFromPython | |
CExtractPythonTuple | |
CExtractPythonTuple< 0, dummyForSpecialization > | |
▼CTupleToPython | |
Cgenerator | |
Cgenerator< 0, S... > | |
Csequence | |
CVector2DFromPython | |
CVector3DFromPython | |
CVectorFromPython | |