A library that offers tools for AI problem solving.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAdamThis class implements the ADAM gradient descent algorithm
 CCassandraParserThis class can parse files containing MDPs and POMDPs in the Cassandra file format
 Ccopy_constThis struct is used to copy constness from one type to another
 CEpsilonPolicyInterfaceThis class is a policy wrapper for epsilon action choice
 CEpsilonPolicyInterface< void, void, Action >This class represents the base interface for epsilon policies in games and bandits
 CIndexMapThis class is an iterable construct on a list of ids on a given container
 CIndexMapIteratorThis class is a simple iterator to iterate over a container with the specified ids
 CIndexSkipMapThis class is an iterable construct on a list of ids on a given container
 CIndexSkipMapIteratorThis class is a simple iterator to iterate over a container without the specified ids
 CLPThis class presents a common interface for solving Linear Programming problems
 CNoCheckThis is used to tag functions that avoid runtime checks
 CPolicyInterfaceThis class represents the base interface for policies
 CPolicyInterface< void, void, Action >This class represents the base interface for policies in games and bandits
 CPrunerThis class offers pruning facilities for non-parsimonious ValueFunction sets
 CSeederThis class is an internal class used to seed all random engines in the library
 CStatisticsThis class registers sets of data and computes statistics about it
 CStorageMatrix2DThis class provides an Eigen-compatible automatically resized Matrix2D
 CStorageVectorThis class provides an Eigen-compatible automatically resized Vector
 CSubsetEnumeratorThis class enumerates all possible vectors of finite subsets over N elements
 CVoseAliasSamplerThis class represents the Alias sampling method
 CWitnessLPThis class implements an easy interface to do Witness discovery through linear programming
 COldMDPModelThis class represents a Markov Decision Process
 COldPOMDPModelThis class represents a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
 CExtractPythonTuple< 0, dummyForSpecialization >
 Cgenerator< 0, S... >