A library that offers tools for AI problem solving.
MDP RL Beginner Tutorial

This tutorial is meant to teach you how to learn a policy in an MDP even when the dynamics are not known a priori.

This tutorial's code can be found in the examples/MDP/cliff.cpp file, including comments and additional nodes.

Reinforcement Learning

While exact definitions vary depending on who is asked, here we consider reinforcement learning to be the process of learning a policy by interaction with an environment, without having previous information about its dynamics.

In particular, the policy we want to learn is the one that maximizes the reward the agent obtains from the environment. An additional constraint that we want to impose is that we learn while trying to maximize the reward we obtain during the learning process. Thus, the exploration done by the agent is indirectly encouraged to quickly figure out promising actions to perform, rather than trying to understand the problem fully, which would require much more time.

While there are many possible approaches to RL, in this tutorial we focus on two:

  • A model-free learning algorithm, Q-Learning, where the agent directly learns a value function to direct its actions.
  • A model-based learning algorithm, Prioritized Sweeping, where the agent tries to learn a model of the environment and use it to plan its next steps.

In the first case, we don't try to learn the dynamics of the environment, and we only focus on what the agent is doing. Some methods use the data to directly modify the policy; in this tutorial instead we use the data to update a value-function, which is then used to inform the agent's policy.

In the model-based case, on the other hand, we will need some infrastructure to store the perceived transitions and rewards, as we want to build a model of the environment. From this model we could plan to obtain a policy, but as our model is updated every timestep (with the new data we gain), planning every timestep gets very expensive. There are methods that can take advantage of the fact that changes are incremental, and update their policies quite quickly.

MDP RL Example

In this tutorial we won't create a model from scratch, and instead we will use one of the environments that are provided in the AIToolbox library. The environment is this:

The agent stands in a gridworld, at the edge of a long cliff. He needs to walk towards some unknown point nearby, and it needs to figure out where it needs to go. At the same time, walking off the cliff sends the agent to its death, while resetting the trial. Can the agent figure out where to go, without falling into the cliff?

Keep in mind that while this description is useful for us, since we are doing RL the agent itself will have no idea (initially) that it is in a gridworld, nor that the actions we are going to give it are to move around the environment. Everything will be unknown at first, and the agent will need to figure out things as it explores around.

// We make a gridworld of 12 width and 3 height, using AIToolbox provided
// class.
GridWorld grid(12, 3);
// We then build a cliff problem out of it. The agent will start at the
// bottom left corner of the grid, and its target will be the bottom right
// corner. However, aside from this two corners, all the cells at the bottom
// of the grid will be marked as the cliff: going there will give a large
// penalty to the agent, and will reset its position to the bottom left corner.
auto problem = makeCliffProblem(grid);


For our model-free method, we are going to use AIToolbox::MDP::QLearning, which is a staple of modern RL, for its flexibility, simplicity and power.

QLearning uses the data we obtain from interacting with the environment in order to update a QFunction: a mapping between a state-action pair and a numerical value. These values represent how good we think taking a given action in a given state is: higher values are better.

From this QFunction we can then create a policy: in particular, we are going to use a AIToolbox::MDP::QGreedyPolicy. This policy selects the action with the highest value in a certain state: it acts greedily with respect to the QFunction.

While always selecting the best action seems like a good idea, we need to remember that here we are learning: at first, the agent has no idea of what actions actually do!

So we combine this greedy policy with an AIToolbox::MDP::EpsilonPolicy, which sometimes selects random actions to help the agent try out new things to see if they work.

// We create the QLearning method. It only needs to know the size of the
// state and action space, and the discount of the problem (to correctly update
// values).
QLearning qlLearner(problem.getS(), problem.getA(), problem.getDiscount());
// We get a reference to the QFunction that QLearning is updating, and use
// it to construct a greedy policy.
QGreedyPolicy gPolicy(qlLearner.getQFunction());
// The greedy policy is then augmented with some randomness, to help the
// agent explore. In this case, we are going to take random actions with
// probability 0.1 (10%). In the other cases, we will ask the greedy policy
// what to do, and return that.
EpsilonPolicy ePolicy(gPolicy, 0.1);

Now, we need to write some code which will actually make the agent go around the world and try out things. Differently from the planning tutorial, where the problem would be solved in a single line of code, here we actually have to write a loop to simulate the agents going around and observing the results of its actions.

These observations will be passed to QLearning, which will automatically update its QFunction, and by extension the policies (since the policies keep a reference to the original QFunction, they don't have separate copies).

// Initial starting point, the bottom left corner.
size_t start = problem.getS() - 2;
size_t s, a;
// We perform 10000 episodes, which should be enough to learn this problem.
// At the start of each episode, we reset the position of the agent. Note
// that this reset is for the episode; if during the episode the agent falls
// into the cliff it will also be reset.
for ( int episode = 0; episode < 10000; ++episode ) {
s = start;
// We limit the length of the episode to 10000 timesteps, to prevent the
// agent roaming around indefinitely.
for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i ) {
// Obtain an action for this state (10% random, 90% what we think is
// best to do given the current QFunction).
a = ePolicy.sampleAction( s );
// Sample a new state and reward from the problem
const auto [s1, rew] = problem.sampleSR( s, a );
// Pass the newly collected data to QLearning, to update the
// QFunction and improve the agent's policies.
qlLearner.stepUpdateQ( s, a, s1, rew );
// If we reach the goal, the episode ends
if ( s1 == problem.getS() - 1 ) break;
s = s1;

Once we are done, the agent is ready to act optimally. The only difference is that now we would draw the actions directly from the greedy policy, rather than from the epsilon policy, to avoid taking random actions:

// Take greedy actions directly, skipping ePolicy
a = gPolicy.sampleAction( s );

Prioritized Sweeping

We're now going to try a different approach, where we try to learn a model of the environment, and use that to obtain a policy.

First, we're going to need AIToolbox::MDP::Experience, which is a class that records the data we observe from the environment. It records the number of state-action to new state transitions, and for each state-action pair, the average reward obtained and its M2 value (an aggregate of the squared distance from the mean).

Experience exp(problem.getS(), problem.getA());

Now, from this data, there are different ways to get a model. We're going to go with the simplest, that is to use a maximum likelihood estimator to estimate the transition and reward functions of the problem. Doing this is very simple:

MaximumLikelihoodModel<Experience> learnedModel(exp, problem.getDiscount(), false);

Every time we update our Experience with new data, we'll have to manually sync the learned model to update its transition and reward functions. This is not done automatically since syncing can be a somewhat expensive operation, so sometimes you may want to do it sporadically. Here this is not a concern though.

Now, this learnedModel is itself a model, so if we wanted to we could use AIToolbox::MDP::ValueIteration to solve it and obtain a policy. However, since we have not interacted with the environment yet, there is really nothing useful to solve.

Instead, we create our learning method, AIToolbox::MDP::PrioritizedSweeping, and policies:

PrioritizedSweeping psLearner(learnedModel);
QGreedyPolicy gPolicy(psLearner.getQFunction());
EpsilonPolicy ePolicy(gPolicy, 0.1);

PrioritizedSweeping, similarly to QLearning, is an algorithm that keeps a QFunction from the input model, and updates it as new data becomes available. The difference with QLearning is that it is much more rapid with its updates, as it is able to reason about the learned model to perform multiple updates for each new data points (while QLearning only does one).

Additionally, note that we have created the QGreedyPolicy and EpsilonPolicy again, so that we can make the agent act and explore in the world to gather data.

Let's now setup the learning loop. Note that for PrioritizedSweeping we need many fewer episodes, as we are extracting more information out of each sample, and we are performing multiple updates to the QFunction per timestep, which greatly speeds up learning.

// Initial starting point, the bottom left corner.
size_t start = problem.getS() - 2;
size_t s, a;
// We perform 100 episodes, which should be enough to learn this problem.
// Note that PrioritizedSweeping needs much fewer episodes to learn
// effectively, as it is using the learned model to extract as much
// information as possible and doing many updates per timestep.
// At the start of each episode, we reset the position of the agent. Note
// that this reset is for the episode; if during the episode the agent falls
// into the cliff it will also be reset.
for ( int episode = 0; episode < 100; ++episode ) {
s = start;
// We limit the length of the episode to 10000 timesteps, to prevent the
// agent roaming around indefinitely.
for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i ) {
// Obtain an action for this state (10% random, 90% what we think is
// best to do given the current QFunction).
a = ePolicy.sampleAction( s );
// Sample a new state and reward from the problem
const auto [s1, rew] = problem.sampleSR( s, a );
// Record the new data in the Experience, so we can track it
exp.record(s, a, s1, rew);
// Update the learned model with the data we have just got.
// This updates both the transition and reward functions.
learnedModel.sync(s, a, s1);
// Update the QFunction using this data.
psLearner.stepUpdateQ(s, a);
// Finally, use PrioritizedSweeping reasoning capabilities in order
// to perform additional updates, and learn much more rapidly that
// QLearning.
// If we reach the goal, the episode ends
if ( s1 == problem.getS() - 1 ) break;
s = s1;

As you can see, we didn't need many more lines of code in order to run this model-based method.

The full code of this example can be found in the examples/MDP/cliff.cpp file, and is built automatically by adding -DMAKE_EXAMPLES=1 when running CMake.


This tutorial should have given you the basics to start using the RL tools in AIToolbox. Most other algorithms and classes work in a similar manner to the ones described, so it should not be too difficult to read the documentation and understand how they work.

Remember that if the documentation is unclear or you need help you can always open an issue on GitHub!

AIToolbox::MDP::SparseModel makeCliffProblem(const GridWorld &grid)
This function sets up the cliff problem in a SparseModel.
Definition: CliffProblem.hpp:58